Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Crazy Emotional Me

Sometimes, I hate being a girl. Why you ask? Is it because we don’t get to stand up to pee? Is it because we are banned from playing in the NFL? Is it perhaps because society has placed expectations on us woman to have pretty nails and shave our legs? Nope. Frankly I am lazy and except for the rare occasion when I find myself in the woods with a full bladder I frankly enjoy sitting down to pee. I love watching NFL and football in general and think the idea that woman should be allowed to play is ludicrous. And societies expectations? Well call me crazy but I like having pretty nails and smooth legs.

The reason I, on occasion, hate being a girl is because we get so gosh darn emotional sometimes. I’m not talking about shedding a tear at your best friends wedding or when your sister gives birth. You’re supposed to get emotional for those things. I’m talking about the other kind of emotional. The crazy emotional. What, you ask, do I mean? Well lucky for you I had one of those Crazy Emotional nights last night.

There we were sitting with some friends, just finishing up dinner and a drink or two when it happened. The crazy came out. We were getting ready to leave. I was cold and tired and, well ok, kind of grumpy.

“Babe would you mind if I stayed out and had a few drinks?” The Boy asks nonchalantly. Now Normal Sane Me would have no problems with this. Normal Sane Me knows that The Boy would stay out for a drink maybe two and be climbing into bed in an hour or so. Normal Sane Me does not need to be around The Boy 24/7 to feel secure in our relationship. Normal Sane Me was not around last night. Somehow between classes and work and the two or three drinks I had recently consumed Normal Sane Me had left the building only to be replaced by Crazy Emotional Me.

“That’s fine, whatever.” Crazy Emotional Me attempting to act like Normal Sane Me.
“Babe?” The Boy apparently knows me well too well for this. He than decides to act like the wonderful boyfriend he is and tell me it’s ok if I want him to come home, that he doesn’t mind and that I can say no. Now Normal Sane Me would have given him a kiss and told him to stay out with his friends. After all I am a woman of world. I am independent and do not need a man around me at all times. I tried again wondering where the heck Normal Sane Me had decided to vacate to. No such luck, it would appear I was stuck with Crazy Emotional Me.

“No babe it’s ok, stay out and have fun.” My voice cracks completely betraying me. I look away. Suddenly tears are filling my eyes and streaming down my cheeks. What the heck?? Damn you Crazy Emotional Me! At this point I am pissed and feel betrayed by Crazy Emotional Me. The Boy, being the great guy he is, takes one look at my tear stained cheeks which I am still attempting to brush away, takes my hand and we leave.

Now Normal Sane Me would have loved this. This quickly made decision by The Boy would have made Normal Sane Me feel loved and secure. But wait, yes that’s right I am no longer Normal Sane Me and am starting to wonder when if ever Normal Sane Me would ever be returning. I was quiet on the ride home, staring out the window without so much as a peep. All the while the argument continued in my head, and well into the night, tossing and turning.
I awoke this morning slightly more my Normal Sane Self, pondering to myself what the heck had happened to make me Crazy Emotional Me last night. I am still pondering..........

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